Feel recharged, lower your stress levels and boost your positivity!
Relaxation techniques are effective in reducing stress and promoting overall well-being
"In addition to calming us physically, research shows that relaxation also increases our energy, motivation and ability to focus. It combats illness, relieves aches and pains, and allows us to think more clearly, aiding our ability to problem solve"
Source: "Relaxation techniques for stress relief" https://plr.cht.nhs.uk/uploads/1088/csph0156c%20v1%20review%20date%20Oct23%20Relaxation%20techniques%20for%20stress%20relief

Location: The Betteridge Room at Sedgeberrow Village Hall, WR11 7UF
Dates: Fridays 10th May, 7th June & 5th July 2024
Time: 7:30-9.00pm
Cost: £5 per session - pay as you go
includes refreshments (please let me know if you have any dietary requirements)
For more information about this - or if you would like this as a private class for your organisation:
call / text 07966 243876 or email: info@kghypnotherapy.co.uk