To support mental wellness for individuals and groups, I offer a choice of:
one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions via Zoom and in person at my therapy room;
group guided relaxation classes (topics such Weight Management and Stress Management)
corporate sessions on topics such as stress management or relaxation;
mental health awareness training;
school relaxation clubs;
Free guided relaxations: on the "video" tab.
For the one-to-one hypnotherapy clients I offer a free initial consultation.
This takes around 1 hour and is usually on zoom. We discuss your concerns and what you would like to gain from the sessions. This information remains confidential between us. I will explain how your brain works, in relation to habits, anxiety, stress, depression and anger; what hypnotherapy is; and how it can help you feel better, in a relatively short period of time. We’ll also discuss how the subsequent sessions will be structured and what is expected of you. I’ll give you an idea of how many sessions you may require. Prior to the initial consultation you're welcome to call for a short chat.
A relaxation track is included for free for all hypnotherapy clients, to listen to at bedtime.
Listening regularly to the track supports the positivity created during the sessions, helping relaxation and better sleep quality. This in turn helps create the circumstances to make good decisions that will move you towards your desired goal.
The number of sessions required for each issue will vary according to its intensity and your level of commitment to change.
Commonly 6 to 12 sessions will really effect change, and strengthen your path to success.
However, phobias can require just four sessions.
Your progress will be regularly reviewed, to ensure you’re happy with the process.
Appointments may be held in person, or online via Zoom.
For in person appointments, hand sanitiser is used on arrival, the office is sanitised between clients, the chairs are at a 2 metre distance and fresh air is maintained (weather permitting). Please do not attend your appointment if you feel unwell.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation.
The issues below give you a guideline of how hypnotherapy can help.
Making small changes to self-defeating behaviour and coping with feelings of sadness, fear, and pain can bring life-altering results.
I’m happy to have a chat before you book in, if you have any questions.
Hypnotherapy is a complimentary therapy, not intended to replace traditional healthcare. If you are concerned about any aspect of your physical or mental wellbeing, I would recommend you consult with your GP prior to booking an appointment with me and follow their advice regarding medication.

Anxiety has many facets – it could be you’re worrying a lot about your life, your family or your health. You may be struggling with decision making, presentation skills or career path. Maybe you need support with menopause symptoms such as loss of confidence or insomnia. Perhaps you're suffering with an unbearable amount of stress due to work or financial pressures or are questioning your self-esteem. You might be nervous of meeting new people, anxious in unfamiliar situations, having panic attacks, struggling to get through your driving test or an exam. Or maybe you're finding it hard to cope with the loss of a loved one, driving on a motorway, or stepping into a lift.
It may feel as if you’re in a spiral of anxiety, each time you think about it whatever’s bothering you, the negative thoughts create more anxiety and panic, you overthink, you feel upset and scared.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, where you’ll understand how the brain works, and how Hypnotherapy can really help you to focus on the positives in your life and re-programme your neural pathways to make lasting changes.
Subsequent sessions will consist of positive talking, visualisation and hypnosis, which will help you gain a healthy perspective & cope better in times of stress. Sessions also help lessen the many physical symptoms of anxiety and stress: such as IBS, jaw clenching, migraines, nail biting, and obsessive-compulsive behaviours.

If you are dealing with depression and feeling low, it can rob you of your joy for life. You may be finding it difficult to maintain a job or opting out of activities that you used to enjoy, like life is too much effort. You may be feeling constantly tired, unable to concentrate, be sleeping poorly, and not be able to see a solution or even be bothered to look for one.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person and I will explain how the brain works in relation to depression, and show you how Hypnotherapy is a really helpful tool to shift your focus onto the positives in your life, however small to begin with. Subsequent sessions will help re-train your brain to think more positively, and build your motivation and confidence bit by bit, until you are once again doing those things you used to enjoy: socialising, getting back to work, maybe just picking up the phone to call a friend or taking the dog out for a walk… giving you the confidence to see that little changes bring about bigger changes!

Anger is often borne out of frustration. Why are you not listening to me? Why do you behave that way? Why isn’t my life the way it’s supposed to be? Why is that idiot driving like that? If your stress levels are generally high, it doesn’t take much to tip you over the edge, which may cause damage to your relationships at home and at work.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to find out how the brain works, how it can unintentionally sabotage us, why the instinct to become angry is there, and how Hypnotherapy is a fantastic tool to relax, de-stress and focus on all the great things that make you smile. As we go through sessions we work on small steps forward, helping you to see life through a more positive lens. Sessions focus on relaxation and ways to bring more enjoyment into your life, and could include specific things such as confidence building.

To help with a calm Pregnancy and Childbirth, we will look at techniques that you can use at home during pregnancy and throughout the whole birthing process. We will also look to understand the birthing process and in particular the impact modern birth culture has had on our perspective of childbirth and how we can help you regain a more natural perspective.
In addition, if you have a phobia or even PTSD created by childbirth, there is a technique to help reduce the fear, and allow you to feel more in control of your future experiences.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to see how hypnobirthing could help you feel calmer and more in control of both pregnancy and labour.

If you have an obsessive, compulsive urge to do something excessively, you may feel like it controls you, and so many areas of your life. You may not be able to prepare food without fear of germs infecting yourself or others; leaving the house may be almost impossible if you can’t be sure all the taps and electric plugs are off, or if windows and doors are locked. You may have a terrible fear that you’ve thrown something important away and so you can’t dispose of your rubbish like everyone else appears to do so easily. Maybe you have physical ticks that are exacerbated by stressful situations.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to find out how the brain works in relation to OCD, and how Hypnotherapy is a fantastic way to manage intrusive thoughts, relieve stress, reduce your anxiety and give you control back in your life.

The horror of experiencing flashbacks may give you physical feelings as if you were right back there in that traumatic time again. You may be struggling to cope with the memory of being in a life-threatening situation as a service man or woman; you may have come close to death in an accident or illness; or been involved in a dreadful violent act; you may have disturbing memories of incidents as a firefighter, police officer or paramedic; you may have had a traumatic experience whilst giving birth.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to find out how the brain works in relation to PTSD, and how Hypnotherapy is a wonderful way of reducing the anxiety around that particular event, allowing you to cope so much better, feel happier and ultimately move forward with your life in a positive way.

Are you a nervous flyer or scared of the dentist, needles or medical procedures? Maybe you have a phobia of spiders, snakes or heights – mine was giving blood!
It can be so debilitating to live in fear of something, experiencing physical symptoms such as nausea, fainting, sweating, palpitations just by thinking about it. Add to that the confusion and annoyance that others don’t find your phobia frightening too.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to find out how phobias are created and perpetuated by the brain, and how Hypnotherapy can re-programme your fear and remove it. It may only take 4 sessions for specific phobias, and that particular one won’t return.

Our modern-day lives are stressful. We may not have the time, resources or skills to cook nutritious meals.
Add that to the fact we’re bombarded by messages to eat and drink the all too available convenience products that are high in sugar, salt and fat. It’s a global epidemic, a recipe for weight gain which causes many illnesses such as diabetes and heart conditions.
Diets don’t work!
You know that because you’ve tried many / several / all!
Perhaps you have a poor relationship with food and don't eat enough - or maybe you don't feel able to eat a range of foods, which causes problems with your health and also is difficult when eating away from home.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to find out how our brains work when subjected to stress, how the physiology of our bodies works against us when trying to control our weight, and how Hypnotherapy can help with weight management by de-stressing, re-training your brain into a more positive state, and allowing you to make good decisions that fit your goals.

Have you had an injury that’s left you with chronic pain such as stiffness, aching or burning? Do you suffer from ME, MS or Fybromyalgia? If you suffer from unexplained aches or chronic pain, you may feel as if you're struggling to cope, and feel really down and worried.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to understand how the brain processes pain signals, and how Hypnotherapy can harness the power of serotonin to reduce inflammation in your body, lessening your feelings of pain, and making a real difference in your ability to cope with it and enjoy life.

If you suffer with poor sleep or insomnia, you will likely already know it affects your mood, concentration and sense of wellbeing. There are other health issues that can be associated with poor sleep, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, weight management, poor memory function, stress or burnout and even Alzheimer's. You've probably tried all the usual tips such as reducing blue light and caffeine.
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, and I will show you how Hypnotherapy can help you become more relaxed, more in control and get you on the path to sleeping better, and feeling better. The sessions even help with changing your thinking, by looking at reframing periods of wakefulness, using breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques.

Are you looking to improve your performance in a competitive sport? Maybe you have the "yips" when it a steady hand is needed to put that ball in the hole.
Perhaps you are training for an event and need a confidence boost.
If you’d like to find out how Hypnotherapy can help you improve your golf handicap, beat your opponent at snooker, or reliably score that penalty, Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person. We can reduce your anxiety surrounding the performance and focus your attention on the achievements that you deserve.

If you have the absolute determination to stop and to become a non-smoker, I can definitely help you.
In one double session (2 hours) we will discuss why you want to give up, review the dangers of smoking, highlight the benefits to your health of stopping, and even why you like smoking. Then you will relax deeply into a trance where positive suggestions are given to support your decision to stop smoking. It’s a totally non-judgemental process. I want you to find your intent – when you say “no thanks” to a cigarette and are totally fine with it, in fact you’ll be really happy and proud of yourself for maintaining quitting. No need to come back for top up’s – you’re a non-smoker now! Contact me to book your session, via zoom or in person.

Specially designed sessions for children from around the age of 8 years can help with a range of issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, exam worries, OCD, eating disorders and phobias. We work together to reduce anxiety, provide relaxation and encourage a positive, solution focused perspective.
Sessions are relaxed and light-hearted, using growth mindset techniques and positive visualisation of when the issues are no longer a concern. Young people are so much quicker at taking on new ideas!
Contact me for a FREE initial consultation, via zoom or in person, to find out more about how we can work together to get your child back to their former happy self, cope with life changes and deal with challenges in a positive way. Concessionary prices are offered for children's hypnotherapy sessions.

Work is a necessity for most of us, but stress, anxiety and overwhelm needn’t be.
If you’re coping well with daily stress, you’ll make good decisions, have great rapport with your team, and be a positive member of a mentally healthy workplace, where productivity is at its best, staff absenteeism is low and morale is high, due to increased well-being and mindfulness.
Sessions provide a detailed explanation of how anxiety, depression and anger issues are created, and give tools to bring about positive, long lasting change. Guided relaxation gives the participant much needed time to relax, refresh and re-charge their busy brains, reduce anxiety and prevent mental health issues before they arise.
Sessions can be bespoke, tailored to your industry and the areas you’d like to focus on. I can provide one-to-one coaching sessions or group sessions for staff, supervisors and managers, and company owners. Contact me for more information.

This training can be offered in person in the Gloucestershire / Worcestershire / Warwickshire area - or online.
I will talk you through the basics of mental health awareness, so you:
✅ Know what mental health is and why people develop mental health conditions
✅ Know how to provide advice and practical support for a person presenting a suspected mental health condition
✅ Know how to recognise and manage stress.
✅ Know how to recognise a range of mental health conditions.
Click here to enquire for availability & book with Alan Hook of Zone Safety Training: